I’m Done. For Now.

I’ve stopped the Cambridge Weight Plan. For now anyway. I’ve did it for three weeks and lost 6 kilos. Amazing, right? I should just continue. Right?

But I can’t. I think I’m going to take a break for a week or two and then go back on it. Why can’t I continue? To be perfectly honest, I just want to eat for a bit! Not eat as in completely binge. But just eat.

Also – it’s kind of expensive.

So this morning I didn’t know what to have for breakfast. I was also a bit too scared to eat! After three weeks on 500 – 600 calories a day, I didn’t want to go overboard! I was so busy rushing around in the morning, I didn’t remember that I hadn’t eaten.

I had a boiled egg for lunch. With plain spaghetti. Not mixed. I know it sounds gross – but I’m not fussy.

THEN… It was Booni’s birthday today. We had some friends come over for tea this afternoon and to cut his cake. And going overboard is what I did. I actually want to cry. The cake was just so delicious. Then there was all snacks and ‘small chop’.

And after that… Dinner.

UGH. I have to try and control myself!

You’re 1 Already!

My darling Booni,

I cannot believe that it’s been a whole year since you were born!
You have amazed me every day.
I love how you dance when you hear music.
I love how you roar like a little lion.
I love that you remind me of a puppy.
I love your wobbly steps.
I love your hugs and soppy kisses.
I love that you’re in all our lives.
Happy 1st Birthday.


It’s Time To PAW-TY

Booni is going to be ONE on Monday (31st August). HOW did that happen?

The following Monday, Vins will turn five. FIVE!!

After Vin’s 3rd birthday party, I decided I wouldn’t have any more parties. It’s just too stressful (and expensive).

Then I got pregnant. And very quickly realised that I’d have to do at least one more – for their first and fifth birthdays.

So this year, I’m doing a combined party for them. In the past Vin’s parties have been indoors and outdoors. However, all our new furniture arrived a few months ago and I refuse to have anyone inside! So it will all be outdoors.

Vins has been “planning” this party since March! We decided we’d go with the PAW Patrol theme. Booni, obviously has no say! He spent a couple of months looking at PAW Patrol cakes online and chose about a dozen different cakes that he liked.

I ordered all the return gifts in June – 60 of them. But the guest list keeps growing and growing and growing. Vin’s whole class, friends from his class last year who are in the other class this year, friends not from school, children whose parties they’ve been invited to and we need to return the invitation. The list doesn’t end. And I can’t cut it down without offending anyone. Oh well – the more the merrier! Let me be clear – I’m happy to have the kids – I’m just worried about not having enough return gifts.

I’m feeling a bit stressed about it all already as there’s so much to do. So far I’ve given out all most of the invitations, ordered the cake and cupcakes, booked the photographer and got the party planner.

This week I have to go to the market to get more balloons (no more helium balloons – I’ve learnt my lesson!), extra tableware, gift bags and some extra return gifts.

Keep you posted!

V&V 2

Cambridge Weight Plan: Week 2 Weigh-In

I just went to my nearest Cambridge Weight Plan Centre to have myself weighed and my measurements taken.

I told myself I wouldn’t weigh myself at home during the week, but somehow found myself hopping on and off the scales at random moments during the day (and night!). As usual, it was a mistake as the scales never wavered.

Anyway, so I went in and weighed myself.

Last week I lost 1.7 kilos. I was disappointed. BUT, when I thought about it again, I realised I’d lost 5 kilos over the last two weeks. That’s better!

So measurements and weight loss over the last two weeks:

Kilos lost: 5 kilos

Inches lost from:

Waist: 4.8 inches

Hips: 2 inches

Chest: 1 inch

Arms: None

Thighs: None

I was thoroughly pleased with myself. However, I was also a little surprised that nothing had come off my thighs. I can tell from the way my trousers and shorts fit that something must have come off. So I decided to measure them myself once I got home.

According to my own measurements, I’ve lost 2.5 inches from each thigh. Because of that, I thought I’d better do all the measurements myself!

So here they are…

Waist: 4.8 inches

Hips: 4 inches

Chest: 2.5 inches

Arms: None

Thighs: 2.5 inches (each thigh)

I wonder if I’ve done it incorrectly… Oh well – I’m going with it!

I think this will be my last week. I can’t hack the no eating thing any more. And… I kind of miss exercising (shock, horror).

Onwards and upwards!


Cambridge Weight Plan – The Second Week

It’s getting harder.

The initial high of losing 3.3 kilos last week has worn off!

I went to see my consultant on Thursday to pay for next week (24th – 30th August) and I asked her when I could eat again. I have actually been dreaming about chicken!

She said that normally they more people onto the next step once they’re closer to their target weight. But since I’m not that close to my target weight, she recommended that I stay on step 1. However, if I really insisted, then they could move me up. BUT – then I’d have to be content with losing about one kilo a week rather than two or three.


I told her I’d stick to step 1 for now. She said she admired my spirit and motivation!

I have my weigh-in tomorrow and they’ll take my measurements. But I don’t think I’ll continue on the Cambridge Weight Plan after next week. I’ve become tired, grumpy and cranky. And it’s not really suiting my lifestyle.

My worry is – what will happen when I suddenly go from having about 550-600 calories a day to eating normally? How do I maintain what I’ve already lost?

I’m thinking of trying Slimming World.

Any opinions?

Not today

This is a post my sister wrote. I hate being so far away from my family. X

Notes by Nectar

Exactly a week ago, my dad had a heart attack.

On Wednesday evening, just before dinner, my dad complained that he’d been feeling uncomfortable all day, like he had a weight on his chest. My mum and I weren’t too concerned by this as he often says he’s ‘uncomfortable’ or ‘not feeling too good’. About 20 minutes after dinner, at around 9.15pm, he said he thought he needed to go to the hospital. I told him I’d call an ambulance but he said it wasn’t necessary. He’d change out of his pajamas and we’d get a cab. I went to change (I was also in my pajamas already) and when I came out of my room I heard him in his bedroom – he was gasping. I went in to see if he was OK and he told me to call an ambulance. He couldn’t breathe. I called ‘999’, gave…

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Cambridge Weight Plan – Week 1 Weigh-In

I know I’ve been quite silent about my CWP diet over the last few days – but to be honest, all I’d have been writing about is how I want to eat. And eat. And eat. And never stop.

I’m not hungry – not always. But I just want to eat! I keep thinking about different kinds of food – pizza from Pizze Riah, steak from Talindos, kebabs from Spice Route, burgers at Bistro 7, popcorn in the cinema – and I wonder if I’ll ever get to eat any of them again.

I will, right? At some point? Someone please tell me?

Anyway, so I carried on with my shakes and soups. I’ve no issues with any of the soups – they all taste good. I just wish there was slightly more of it! When I first went in, the ladies told me I could swap flavours of anything I didn’t like after one week. I didn’t even try the strawberry or banana shakes. Or the chocolate orange for that matter. And I wasn’t too thrilled with the butterscotch or cappuccino flavours – so I switched them all for chocolate and vanilla. I know it will get boring fast, but I’d rather have something I like than something that will make me gag!

So today is one week since the diet started and I had to go in and get myself weighed.

I was a bit nervous about it for some reason. I didn’t feel like I’ve lost any weight.

They did my shake flavours swap and I stood on the scales.

I have lost…

3.3 kg

Hooray! They don’t take measurements until week 2, so I’ll have to wait for that.

Now another week of these soups and shakes and we’ll see what happens!

2.5kgs of fat v 2.5kgs of muscle
2.5 kg of fat and 2.5 kg of muscle


Has He Learnt Anything New?

Has he learnt anything new? This is the question my mum regularly asks me about Booni. And my standard reply is, ‘He hasn’t learnt anything at all! He doesn’t know anything!’

Booni is a completely different story to Vins (yes, here I go again – comparing). He has no interest in learning anything!

I’ve been worrying and worrying about him. He can’t sit still for three minutes, so I don’t think he absorbs anything. He won’t look at the pictures of animals in our books – he usually just throws it on the floor. Or chews it. He won’t watch anything on TV for more than one minute (I know they shouldn’t watch TV, but I actually think they learn a lot from it). He won’t sit still long enough for me to touch his nose when I ask him where his nose is.

So what does he know???

I came across a post I wrote about Vins when he was ten months old – about the things he could do at that stage. It wasn’t an extensive list – but it was pretty good.

Booni… What can Booni do? He’s going to be a year old at the end of this month!

  1. He can crawl.
  2. He can walk while holding onto furniture.
  3. He can stand unsupported for a few seconds.
  4. He dances when he hears music.
  5. He can wave goodbye (if he’s in the mood).
  6. He understands ‘no’ if you waggle your finger at him and say ‘no’ at the same time.
  7. He holds up various objects to his ear and pretends it’s a phone.
  8. If he’s holding a comb or a hairbrush, he tries to brush his hair.
  9. If you ask him where Rolo is, he points to him.
  10. He can say ‘mama’ (although I don’t think he’s referring to me).
  11. He can roar like a lion. (Explained below)
  12. He can identify the lion toy. (Also explained below)
  13. ‘How does Booni clean his mouth?’ (More below)
  14. He climbs into his bouncy chair when he wants to sleep.

8 & 9 – I came back from London with a new determination to spend more time with him and really teach him something. I don’t know how it happened, but that something was to roar like a lion. I’d ask him (a few times a day), ‘Booni, what does a lion say?’ And I’d roar. And Vins would roar. And then Booni would roar. We practised this for a few days – me asking, me roaring, Vins roaring and then Booni copying us. Eventually, when I asked him, he’d roar on his own. It’s really the cutest thing. YES! He knew something! Then I took a little toy lion and kept showing it to him. ‘Look Booni. It’s a lion! What does the lion say?’ Honestly, by day 3, every time I asked him what the lion, he looked at me as if to say, ‘not the f*cking lion again!’. Anyway, so eventually I started taking out two toys and I’d ask him, ‘Booni where’s the lion?’ He was eventually able to choose the lion. And the smile on his face when I cheered for him… Heart melting.

10 – After a messy snack, I got a wet wipe and cleaned Booni’s face and neck (how food gets onto his neck, I just don’t know). Then I gave him the wipe and said, ‘How does Booni clean his mouth?’ I didn’t think he’d know what to do with it (apart from chew it). He looked at it. And I asked him again, ‘How does Booni clean his mouth?’ He looked at me and smiled and before I knew what had happened, he’d launched himself at me (we were sitting on the floor) and started cleaning my face with it! It was cute. But gross.

I guess he does know some things?