New School

V1 has been at his new school for nearly three weeks now. It’s been a lot for him to get used to – longer days, new teacher, new friends, etc. And it’s been a lot for us to get used to too – new drop-off and pick-up policies, new parents, and a lot more parental involvement than his previous school.

I met with his teacher last week – just to see how he was settling in and coping in his new environment.

I told her that I wasn’t very concerned about academics at this point (it is only pre-school), but more with the social aspect of things. She agreed that academics weren’t something to worry about as he is quick to grasp new concepts and has a good memory. I described some of his behaviours when he was in large groups of children/people. Not only that, but even if I meet someone I know and they want to talk to him. Even if he’s seen them twenty-five billion times. For example, last week a friend of ours said ‘hi’ to him. And he roared at him in response. LagosDad and I later asked him what all that was about. And he said, ‘I roar to protect myself.’ I don’t know if he actually felt that he had to protect himself, or if he was just pretending to be a lion…

Anyway, so his teacher said that his personality is his personality and that can’t be changed. She said that he will not be the kid that gets up on stage and sings a solo in front of the school. And I already knew this. I know. And I know that I can’t change him. I don’t want to. Instead we have to work on ways for him to deal with situations appropriately.

He’s so worried about people looking at him and/or laughing at him, he doesn’t always participate in class or group activities. In fact, even at home he never dances or sings in front of us (though I know he does in front of the nanny). It’s been about eighteen months since he’s let me see him sing or dance.

So… When he sang and danced for me the other day – I had to take the opportunity to record it (with his permission of course).

I was so pleased and so proud, I just had to share it with all of you.

V singing (video)

By the way, how do I embed a video?

It’s Like Having Dogs

No one told me. No one told me that having two children would be complete and utter chaos!

I mean, I knew it wouldn’t be easy. And I knew that V1 would require a lot more attention, etc. But I didn’t realise it would be this hard.

I’ve always compared having children to having dogs. And now I have to compare them again.

Having one dog (child) is like having one dog. Having two dogs (children) is like having five!

When (if ever) will order restore itself?


Sleepy Head

The day I brought Baby V home from hospital was quite terrifying.  I didn’t know how to deal with a baby and an almost-four-year-old. LagosDad was there, of course. And my mum was there too. So I had a lot of help, but I was still overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed and in a lot of pain from my c-section.

That night, Baby V slept for six hours straight. I didn’t sleep (I spent most of the night deciding on whether I should wake him and feed him) – but he slept. He was probably a bit shocked at the change in environment, etc. Anyway, the next morning I was quite proud. Wow – my three-day-old baby had slept for six hours!

The mid-wife arrived. And she looked a bit alarmed when I told her how long he’d slept. She told me that if a baby is under five kilos, they have to be fed at least every four hours (five maximum) or they get drowsy and sleep more and more. I immediately felt like crap. How come I didn’t know that? What if something had happened to my baby?

As it happens, he started waking for his feeds after that. As it got nearer to the time of our 6-8 week check-up, there were a couple of nights when he didn’t wake up for his four a.m. feed, and I didn’t wake up either. I can’t describe the guilt I felt when I woke with a start and realised it had been six hours since his last feed. I’d rush over to the Moses basket in a blind panic to check he was ok.

The morning of our check-ups was hectic. I had to get V1 off to nursery (thank goodness the nanny was there, as my mum had left the previous week), get myself and the baby ready, pack the changing bag and get to the Health Centre before 9.30 a.m. Yes, I packed the bag the night before – but bottles had to go in in the morning.

The GP (a very nice lady) asked me how I was doing (she must have wondered why I was a sweaty mess), and I promptly burst into tears. I told her I was very worried because I’d missed the four a.m. feed again. She really was very kind and said it was ok and not to worry, etc. Easy for her to say! Luckily for me (and my sanity), Baby V was just passed the five kilo mark at this point.

I’m sure we should have been in a routine by then. In fact, I was reading THE Gina Fraud Ford book quite regularly and tried to Baby V into some kind of routine. But it just wasn’t happening. She says baby shouldn’t sleep for more than four hours during the day, so that they can sleep well at night. The problem with that is as soon as we were out and V was in the stroller, he’d fall asleep. Often staying asleep until his next feed, or until we got home! Usually, at night, he would wake and/or cry every five or ten minutes until about midnight. This was one of the reasons why I was looking forward to coming back to Lagos – because it would be easier to get into a routine here.

However, before I could even figure out which of the eighteen suitcases the book was in (to check feeding and sleeping times), my darling boy put himself into his own routine. By seven every evening he’s crying when I change him into his pjs. By twenty past seven, he’s asleep. I give him a dream feed at some point between 10 and 11 pm, and then he sleeps through until at least 6.30 am. Sometimes 8 am. Sometimes even 8.30 am. Sometimes he’ll have a feed at 6.30 am and go back to sleep for a couple of hours.

This is something I wasn’t used to. V1 had to be walked up and down ten times a night. He woke for milk at least twice. And he is STILL a terrible sleeper.

Now I’m telling myself that this must just be a phase (although it’s been nearly three weeks now). How could an eleven week old (which is how old he was when we got back) put himself into this kind of routine? I’ve had one or two other new mums ask me how I did it. And I can’t even give them an answer!

Is there such a thing as too much sleep?



Fisbee – The Elf on the Shelf

Now I know most of you already know about The Elf on the Shelf – I already knew about it too. I’ve just been anxiously waiting for V1 to be excited about Christmas before getting one!


When he came home from school yesterday, he went straight to his room. And there he saw The Elf. The nanny and I claimed no knowledge as to how it got there.
I sat V down and started to read the accompanying story. He kept staring at the Elf suspiciously and interrupted every other word with, “What’s he doing here?” “Who is he watching?” “Why?”
I told him Santa had sent him to watch over all of us. And that he was going to report back to Santa on our behaviour every night. V looked at the Elf again and said, “I want to throw him in the bin.”
I know the whole elf thing is meant to be about the children – but I’d been looking forward to this for at least three years! No no no. I couldn’t have this.
So I told him to let me finish the story and he could ask me questions afterwards. (Once a teacher…)
I finished the story and explained it all to him over again. And he got excited about it. Finally!
He named the Elf Fisbee  (which was one of the suggested names in the book). I was pushing for Buddy (like in the movie Elf), but he wasn’t having any of that. And I didn’t want to push my luck!
He happily told LagosDad and his grandparents about Fisbee.
And he was super excited to find Fisbee hanging off a light in the living room this morning. He even went so far as to say, “I’m going to be a good boy all day today!”
So fingers crossed that the excitement continues…
And that he is a “good” boy all day!

The Advent Calendar

So here a couple of things I didn’t think about before buying V1 his first chocolate Advent calendar…
1. Ants
2. Melted chocolates
3. Can be used to bribe V1 top do his Kumon
4. Dog might get to chocolate before any of us

So the calendar will be kept in the fridge and only taken out to open the door, discuss the numbers and look at the pictures. This WILL only happen after the Kumon is done. And we’ll have to be careful not to drop any more of the chocolates!