Soooo… Here We Go Again

It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?

So much has happened, and yet it feels like time has stood still.

The boys are grown. Vins is 11 and Booni is 7.

I lost my dad last September.

I turned 44 this year.

I’m still teaching kindergarten, and this might be one of the (if not THE) hardest years I’ve ever had to teach. Even more difficult than the 2019-2020 year.

And now…

Baby number 3 is on his way!

LagosDad and I had a couple of conversations about trying again, but we didn’t really take it any further. Then when we really decided (in December), we couldn’t quite coordinate ourselves. And then in January, I was pregnant! This is our miracle baby. My dad’s gift, I like to say. For the simple reason: it took us two years to conceive with each of the boys, and this time – it happened straight away!

People have been very surprised. Well, so are we!

I’m going to try to revive my blog… So you can join me on our next adventure!