I Don’t Need These!

Last week V and I went grocery shopping. He’s very good at remembering what we need (or I could just make a list?).
Anyway, so we were browsing in Goodies, looking for Dettol wipes (does anyone know where I can find the multipurpose ones! by the way?) when we came across nappies, baby wipes, panty liners and sanitary pads. I was checking the price of things when I saw him pick up a packet of pads.
I don’t know what brand they were, but there was a picture of a woman in her vest and pants, sprawled across the front.
So he picked it up, looked at it and said, “Ugh. I don’t need these. These are only for mamas!”

Bloody Mosquitoes

About three weeks ago Baby V woke up with a whole lot of mosquito bites on his face.

I felt terrible. But also a bit confused. I spray the room every evening. I use mosquito cream on him and I put a mosquito patch on his pjs. So how did this happen?

I used Sudocrem on the bites and hoped that they’d disappear. But of course, it’s not the marks on his face that I was worried about – it’s malaria.

After that incident I increased the number of patches to three! One on the sheet near his head. Then a couple of hours later I’d stick one on his sleeve and then at about midnight (sometimes later) I’d add another. But now that he’s moving around so much, I don’t stick them on the sheets any more.

Anyway, a couple of days after the bite marks disappeared I was feeling better about the whole thing when I thought I’d better check how long it takes for malaria to develop. When would I see the signs? Two to three weeks. That’s a long time to worry about whether your baby is going to get malaria or not!

There were no more mosquito incidents after that. Until two nights ago. He woke yesterday to a bite on each cheek, two on his chin and one on the eyebrow. WHY is this still happening? Even after spraying the room – sometimes twice. And after increasing the use of the cream. And after increasing the number of patches?

Someone did recommend using a mosquito net to cover the cot – but with the amount of times he’s been waking, I don’t think it would really help much. And wouldn’t he feel claustrophobic?

So yet again, I’m worrying.


I took a really good look at V this afternoon as we walked out the school gates.

Me: V, didn’t you have PE today?
V: Yes.
Me: But why aren’t you wearing your PE clothes? You wore them to school this morning.
V: I had to change.
Me: Oh. Why?
V: Because you know XXX? He did a poo and it came on me.
Me: Huh? HOW?
V: He did a poo when he went down the slide and I didn’t know and then I went down and poo came onto my shorts and my T-shirt and one of my shoes. So my teacher changed my clothes and the new teacher cleaned my shoe.
Me: Oh no!
V: But it’s ok Mama. The lights on my shoes still work! See? *stamps foot on the ground*


For the last two nights, Baby V (now 5 months old) has been… Troublesome.
I complained a few weeks ago that he wasn’t sleeping through the night anymore. But you know what? At least he bloody slept!
Now he just won’t sleep!
He was up every five minutes from 5 am until 6.30 am yesterday morning. And last night he’d sleep for 10 or 15 minutes at a time. But only until 11 pm. From 11pm, he was awake until 1 am. Not just lying in his cot and gurgling to himself awake, but whinging and whining awake. He didn’t want to lie down, he didn’t want to be carried or walked. He wasn’t hungry. He wasn’t windy, he was just… Awake!
I don’t let him sleep for more than 3 hours during the day, so it wasn’t that he wasn’t tired. He was yawning and rubbing his eyes a lot. But still… Awake!

At some point during the night I made up a little song (which I only sang in my head) for him. Thought I’d share it with you. Sing in tune to Hush Little Baby.

Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep,
Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep,
Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep,
Go the f*ck to sleep.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

Seriously though – what should I do?