He Knows

So LagosDad and I sat V down yesterday morning and told him about the baby.  Well, I told him – LagosDad just sat there.

I had been dreading it.  I envisioned him lying down and beating his fists against the floor, kicking his legs and shouting, “Nooooo!” over and over again.

Here’s how it went.

Me: V – you know how mama’s back has been hurting?

V: Yes.

Me: You know how papa took me to the doctor on Wednesday?

V: Yes.

Me: Well, the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with my back.  And he didn’t know why my back was hurting.  So he said he had to do a blood test.  You’ve had a blood test, haven’t you?

V: Yes and I cried so much.  Did you cry?

Me: No, I didn’t.  It didn’t hurt at all.  Anyway, so we had to wait a little while, and then the doctor called papa and me back into his office.  He told me that there was nothing wrong with my back.  Then he asked me if I’ve been eating a lot.  I have been eating a lot, haven’t I?

V: *nods*

Me: Then he asked me if my tummy was getting bigger.  It is getting bigger, isn’t it?

V: Yes, it’s getting very big!

Me: Then he said there was a baby growing in my tummy!

*anxiously waits for reaction*

V: In how many months will it come out?


Me: In six months.

V: No, I want it to be in ten months.

Me: Ok – in ten months (he has no concept of time anyway).  Isn’t that exciting?  You’re going to have a baby brother or sister!  You’re going to be a big brother!  And you can help mama do so many things – like give the baby a bath, feed the baby and change yucky nappies!

V: Yes!  And you know.  When the double-decker bus bed your ordered for me in Bali comes (we didn’t order it in Bali, we are YET to order it), I’m going to give my cot to the baby that comes out of your tummy.  *taps my tummy*

Me: Oh V – you are going to be such a good big brother, aren’t you?

*starts crying*

*eye roll*

*blames hormones*

*big sigh of relief*

It’s Complicated

LagosDad and I have been trying to figure out how to tell V that he’s going to have a younger sibling by the end of the summer.

But we are finding it a bit complicated.

I’ve tried testing the waters a little bit and have had a couple of “big brother” and “baby brother or sister” conversations.  I think we are in trouble.

This is how the last conversation went…

Oh – we were watching Charlie and Lola.

Me: Oh how nice! Isn’t Charlie such a good big brother? He always takes care of Lola. I think you would be a good big brother.

V: No.

Me: You know, many of your friends have little brothers and sisters.  And some of your friends have big brothers or sisters *gives examples*

V (after a slight pause): Where can we get one?

Me: Well, babies grow in their mama’s tummy.  So we would grow the baby in my tummy.

V: No.  No.  I’m the only baby allowed in your tummy!

Oh.  Crap.

My grandmother’s advice was to stop asking him if he’d like a baby brother or sister and to just tell him that he’s getting one!

Sounds like good advice to me.

All I know is we have to do it soon.  As in today.

We’ve got birthday parties for the next FOUR Saturdays – and we need to tell him before he hears it from someone else!

Any advice?


I’m finally back.

Not that I’ve been anywhere for a while.

So LagosDad and I went to Bali as planned at the beginning of January.  V was absolutely fine with my parents, sister and nanny.  I believe he had the odd tantrum or two, but nothing unusual there.

Bali was fantastic.  We went to buy furniture – so we were on buying trips from morning until night.  It was a shame that we didn’t get to appreciate the hotel and the fact that we were upgraded to a suite!

We were meant to leave for Lagos two days after getting back to Dubai.  But V and I delayed a couple of weeks.

We had some renovation work happening in our house – and the kitchen wasn’t ready yet.  And our downstairs TV room and bar was being converted into a bedroom and TV room for my in laws.  Yes.  My in laws have moved in.  I don’t want to talk about it right now.  More on that another day.

And other news?  See picture below.




V is going to be a big brother!