What’s in the UK?

We are watching X Factor, which I love. Unfortunately we are a few weeks behind the UK, but we (Vins and I) watch it quite religiously.

So right now, we are watching and Vins sees an X Factor app being advertised and wants to download it. The following conversation ensued…

Vins: We should download the app, mama.

Me: It won’t work here because we’re not in the UK. Do you know what the UK is?

Vins: Yes. 

Me: What’s in the UK?

Vins: Amazon!

Weren’t You Just Born?

Weren’t you only just born?

Didn’t I just hold you in my arms for the first time?

Wasn’t I only just in awe of your first smile?

Wasn’t it only yesterday that you had your first taste of baby porridge?

Wasn’t it only yesterday that I felt your first tooth coming through?

And when did you take your first steps?

Wasn’t it yesterday?

It feels like yesterday…

But no.

Seven years ago today, I held you in my arms for the first time and knew that I would love you with all my heart, forever.

Happy birthday, my darling.

Don’t ever change – for anyone. No matter how crazy you make them!

I love you!