The Things I Need From London

I’m so excited!  In two and a half weeks my sister is coming to Lagos for Vinay’s 1st birthday.  I am trying desperately to get the house painted and the guest room fixed-up before she comes!

She and my mum asked me to make a list of all the things we need so that they’re not running around at the last minute.

So here’s the list…

1. Ham (variety – Honey roast, Parma, salami, etc.)

2. Cheese (Edam, Parmesan, etc.)

3. Kellogs Crunchy Nut Clusters (large boxes) 

4. DSLR camera

5. Dog biscuits (variety)

6. KitKat

7. Bourbon biscuits

8. Chanel handbag (Classic.  Black.)

9. Breadsticks for Vinay and Hub

10. Cow and Gate Creamy Baby Porridge (He won’t eat anything else for breakfast!)

11. Cool shoes for Vinay (E.g. Puma, Converse, Adidas)

12. Bubble Gun (For Vinay, not Hub)

13. New sheets for guest room.

Kind of hoping they don’t ‘think twice’ about numbers 4 and 8!

Anything else I’ve forgotten?

4 thoughts on “The Things I Need From London

  1. Luckily, Hub has recently been to South Africa and Italy for work – so he’s stocked us up quite nicely!

  2. Thats quite some list (I love the camera and handbag just slipped in amongst the usual suspect)

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